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Thyroid Test in Singapore

Thyroid Specialist Singapore | Dr Natascha Putri

Well differentiated thyroid cancer comprise of papillary and follicular carcinomas. They form the majority of all thyroid cancers, with papillary thyroid cancer being the most common. Thyroid cancer generally follows an indolent course and has excellent response to treatment.

Globally there is a rising incidence of thyroid cancers being diagnosed, as high resolution thyroid ultrasound scans of the neck for thyroid test screening becomes more widespread, and improvements in imaging capabilities allows detection of smaller nodules. Most patients with well differentiated thyroid cancer have very good outcomes, with long-term survival rates unmatched by other types of cancer.

A small subset of thyroid cancer patients deviate from the norm and succumb from the disease despite aggressive intervention. According to Dr. Natascha, a thyroid specialist in Singapore, the goals of management is to minimize the morbidity associated with unnecessary treatment for the majority, and optimising care to prolong the survival of those with poorer prognosis.

What is a Thyroid Ultrasound Test?

A thyroid ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging procedure used to evaluate the thyroid gland, located in the neck. It uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images, providing crucial insights into the gland’s size, structure, and any abnormalities. This thyroid test is commonly used in Singapore to assess thyroid nodules, monitor known conditions, and distinguish between benign vs malignant thyroid nodules.

The procedure involves a handheld device called a transducer, which emits sound waves and captures their echoes as they bounce off the thyroid. These signals are converted into real-time images displayed on a monitor. A thyroid specialist in Singapore may recommend a thyroid ultrasound if there are symptoms like a lump in the neck, difficulty swallowing, or abnormal blood test results during a thyroid check.

This procedure is completely safe, as it does not use ionizing radiation. It can detect nodules, cysts, inflammation, and other thyroid abnormalities. Importantly, it helps differentiate benign growths from potentially malignant ones, guiding further diagnostic or treatment steps.

For those concerned about their thyroid health, a thyroid test in Singapore, including an ultrasound, is a vital step toward accurate diagnosis and effective management under the care of a thyroid specialist.

How is a Thyroid Ultrasound Test Performed

asian lady getting a thyroid check singapore

Here are the steps typically involved in a thyroid ultrasound procedure:

  1. Preparation
    • No special preparation is required for a thyroid ultrasound. Patients can eat, drink, and take medications as usual.
    • The patient may be asked to remove necklaces, scarves, or other items around the neck area.
  2. Positioning
    • The patient lies on their back on an examination bed or chair.
    • A pillow or cushion may be placed under the shoulders to extend the neck slightly, providing better access to the thyroid gland.
Application of gel for Thyroid Test in Singapore
  1. Application of Gel
    • A water-based gel is applied to the skin over the neck. This gel helps the ultrasound transducer make secure contact and eliminates air pockets for clearer images.
  2. Image Capture
    • The radiologist gently moves the transducer over the neck, focusing on the thyroid gland.
    • Real-time images are displayed on a monitor, showing the gland’s structure, size, and any abnormalities like nodules or cysts.
thyroid ultrasound results
  1. Evaluation
    • The healthcare provider evaluates the images to assess thyroid health and look for signs of benign vs malignant thyroid nodules, inflammation, or other issues.
  2. Completion
    • The procedure usually takes 15–30 minutes.
    • Once done, the gel is wiped off, and the patient can resume normal activities.

The results are typically reviewed by a thyroid specialist in Singapore, who may recommend further tests or treatment if abnormalities are detected during this thyroid check.

How to Prepare for a Thyroid Ultrasound Test

Preparing for a thyroid ultrasound is simple and requires minimal effort. The procedure is quick, painless, and safe. Follow these guidelines to ensure the procedure goes smoothly:

  1. What to Wear
    • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to allow easy access to your neck.
    • Avoid wearing turtlenecks, scarves, or high-collared tops on the day of the test. A button-up shirt or a top with a wide neckline is ideal.
    • Remove necklaces, pendants, or other jewellery around your neck to avoid interference during the scan.
  2. What to Bring
    • Bring your ID and any referral forms or medical records provided by your doctor.
    • If you’ve had previous thyroid tests in Singapore, such as blood tests or imaging scans, bring those results to help the healthcare provider compare findings.
  3. Diet and Medication
    • No fasting or dietary changes are required for a thyroid ultrasound. You can eat, drink, and take your regular medications as usual.

By following these steps, you can ensure a stress-free experience. After the test, your thyroid specialist in Singapore will review the results and discuss next steps if needed.

What to Expect After a Thyroid Ultrasound Test

After a thyroid ultrasound, there is no recovery time needed, and you can resume your daily activities immediately. The test is painless and non-invasive, with no side effects.

Your thyroid specialist in Singapore will review the images and provide a detailed report. Normal results indicate a thyroid gland with regular size, shape, and texture, with no signs of nodules, cysts, or inflammation.

Abnormal results may show:

  • Thyroid nodules: Small lumps in the gland, which could be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Further tests, like a biopsy, may be recommended to distinguish between them.
  • Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs, usually benign but sometimes requiring monitoring.
  • Inflammation: Indicating conditions like thyroiditis.
  • Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid, which could result from iodine deficiency or other disorders.

Your doctor will explain the findings and recommend any necessary follow-up tests or treatments based on the results of your thyroid check in Singapore.

Surgical Management of Thyroid Cancer

tools 1 for thyroid check singapore | Dr Natascha Putri

Surgical Considerations

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines deem hemithyroidectomy as adequate for small tumors up to 4 centimeters in low risk patients. Total thyroidectomy is considered for patients with high risk features. Benefits of removing all thyroid tissue include the ease of subsequent monitoring, by increasing the sensitivity of thyroglobulin assays as a tumor marker, and allowing proper interpretation of thyroxine stimulating hormone (TSH) levels during suppression therapy. Total thyroidectomy also facilitates radioactive iodine administration for diagnostic scans when looking out for locoregional or systemic recurrence, and enhances the efficacy of radioactive iodine treatment for ablation if necessary.

tools 2 for thyroid check singapore | Dr Natascha Putri

Surveillance Strategies: Thyroid Ultrasound

Surveillance strategies are dictated by the patient’s initial risk profile and modified according to their response to therapy. Most patients initially undergo annual biochemical tests and thyroid ultrasound monitoring for the first 5 years, as recurrences tend to occur early. Qualitative measurements of thyroglobulin and antibodies are serially traced to look for uptrending values or absolute high levels. Any further investigations like the whole body scan will be determined by the degree of suspicion for recurrent disease, as guided by the combination of the patient’s baseline risk profile after a thyroid test, and current clinical status at follow up with a thyroid specialist in Singapore.

Thyroid Test Prices/Packages

There are various tests available to assess thyroid health, each tailored to specific needs. Common options include thyroid ultrasounds, which evaluate the gland’s structure, and hormonal profiles (e.g., TSH, Free T3, Free T4) to measure thyroid function. An autoimmune workup checks for antibodies like Anti-TPO or thyroglobulin antibodies to detect autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. For patients with a history of well-differentiated thyroid cancer, tests such as thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin antibody are crucial. These act as surrogate tumor markers to monitor for cancer recurrence during follow-up.

The cost of these tests in Singapore depends on the combination your doctor deems necessary based on your condition. Consulting a thyroid specialist in Singapore ensures you receive the most appropriate and cost-effective tests for a thorough thyroid check and ongoing care.

Get your thyroid checked Today

In Singapore, maintaining optimal thyroid health begins with regular thyroid test screenings, and check-ups. The first step involves a simple thyroid blood test and thyroid ultrasound, to precisely evaluate the health of your thyroid gland. By consulting a thyroid specialist in Singapore, such as Dr. Natascha, you can be assured of receiving personalized and accurate care tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Natascha is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care for thyroid patients. Schedule your thyroid test and consultation in Singapore today to take the first step toward a healthy thyroid.

FAQ: Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Conditions

Most thyroid tests are quick. A thyroid ultrasound typically takes 15–30 minutes, while blood tests for hormonal profiles or antibodies require only a few minutes for sample collection.

  • Benefits: Thyroid tests help diagnose conditions like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid nodules. They are essential for distinguishing between benign vs malignant thyroid nodules and guiding treatment.
  • Risks: Thyroid tests, including ultrasounds and blood tests, are non-invasive and safe, with no significant risks.

While ultrasounds detect structural abnormalities, they cannot confirm if a nodule is cancerous. Further tests, like a fine-needle aspiration biopsy, may be required. In other cases where more detailed imaging is required, your doctor may recommend other scans such as CT or PET scans. Blood tests can provide functional data but cannot reveal structural issues.

Depending on the size, appearance, and test results, your doctor may recommend regular ultrasounds or additional tests like thyroglobulin and antibody levels, especially in cases of thyroid cancer follow-up.

Contact a thyroid specialist in Singapore or visit a clinic offering thyroid health services. Bring any previous test results to your appointment for better assessment.